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[Available only in 15g pack]


Nicknamed Oriental Beauty by Queen Elizabeth II, this tea has many other names including “Pong Hong Teh” that translates to “bragging tea”. It was said that the farmer who processed and sold his heavily insect bitten tea was so well received that he started bragging about his success. Don’t be surprise to hear the locals in Taiwan referring to Oriental Beauty as “Pong Hong Teh” or even “Bai Hao Oolong” due to the white furry appearance of the tea buds!


The main uniqueness of Oriental Beauty lies in how oxidation of the leaves begin by Jassid (Leafhoppers) bites. Traditionally harvested in the summer between June-July, the bites from the Jassids creates a stress response from the plant and oxidation begins even before the tea leaves are picked. This feature is said to give the tea its unique sweet flavor resembling honey and ripe fruits. This also means a non-pesticide environment is required to attract the Jassids down to the tea plants.


As only 40-50% of the harvest can be used each year, its supply some times outweigh the demand, leading this to be one of the most prized tea in the market.


Due to its popularity, you can find Oriental Beauty produced in China and India in recent years. Our Oriental Beauty is sourced from its origin - Taiwan, Hsinchu, Beipu Township. 

#26 Oriental Beauty | 東方美人

  • Origin: Hsinchu | Beipu

    Cultivar: Qing Xin Da Pang (青心大冇)

    Harvest: Summer 2023

    Tasting Notes: Sweet ripe fruits with strong notes of muscatel flavor

  • Make your own adjustment to the amount of tea leaves to water ratio with the below guide.


    Normal Brewing with Infuser / Tea Pot

    • Steeping Time: 1 min 30 secs
    • Amount:  6 grams
    • Temperature: 92C / 177F
    • Water: 500ml



    Traditional Brewing with Gaiwan

    • Steeping Time:  25 secs
    • Amount:  3 grams
    • Temperature: 92C / 177F
    • Water: 100ml

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